Sunday 15 May 2011

The one without a title...

Hello Stranger! 
Long time no speak and all! 

Well!!! I knew that I was getting addicted to blogger but it wasn't until the site crashed for three days that I realised just how addicted I had become! Was anyone else getting withdrawal shakes because they couldn't check their out favourite blog? Okay, just me then.... 

Now I know what you were thinking when you clicked on this site:
 "She's not wearing that bloody top again is she!"
But I'm afraid to say that yes I am wearing my wardrobe staple yet again. And... I reckon I could get another 3 combinations out of this top yet. So watch this space! 

So for like the millionth time: 
Top: Urban Outfitters 
Leggings: Topshop 
Shoes: Topshop
Bag : Primark 

I've added the two pictures below purely for lolling purposes. Its the first time a bag has featured in my blog cause, well... just look at the outcome when I do! I'm a fud and really need to work on posing with a bag. Come on now, lets all lol together: 

eek! Double lolz! 

So the photos featured in this post are all from last weekend when I was just outside Birmingham visiting my  partner's family. One of the main reasons we went down was for my MIL's 50th Birthday Party (ano not technically MY MIL but she will be, eventually, when my boyfriend decides to pop the question, its not like I've been waiting 7 years or anything!) Right, enough of that tangent!

I heart the dress I wore that night (see below- £29.99 from H&M incidentally) but in the rush to arrive on time I didn't get the chance to take  a blog worthy picture so this one with my SIL (ano not technically SIL) will have to do.  

Also, in my last post I did mention that I was hoping to squeeze in a London trip whilst down there. I've never been to the big smoke and I'm dying to go! But regrettably it didn't happen. This was mainly Due to my partner's hangover and the awful weather on the only day we could go. However, it was also because, out of principle, I did not want to spend over forty quid each on a return train ticket for a journey that would last less than an hour! As an equivalent up in here its less than a 15 quid to get a return on a cross country journey that lasts over two hours. 

 Man! You guys down South do have it tough: sky-high tuition fees, hospital car park charges AND extortionate train ticket prices. I know I moan about the weather up here here in Scotland, but at least in relative terms I've got more money in my back pocket at the end of each month. But then again I guess it balances out when you consider the extra I need to pay out in thick woolly tights all year round lolz!   

Whilst down South, apart from doing the obvious visitng family malarky, one of the things I did do was thee olde English favourite pastime of car booting. 

I was hoping to find some vintage treasures at amazing knock down prices a la Kavita but unfortunately it was more of lots of household goods that had obviously came off the back of a lorry. Nevertheless, I did pick up these two lovely rings for 2 quid each. They are very similar to ones i was going to order off of Lily's shop. 
I'm also wearing fake nails for the first time ever in these pics. I've got to be honest and say I wasn't a fan of them before 'cause I just hate anything fake but especially fake nails as I perceived the wearers of them to be all fur coat and no knickers. But, I must admit I may be a convert! I loved how sleek my hands looked, and there was none of that hide your hands in shame due to 3 day old chipped nail polish that I normally do. I'm still on the fence. What's your thoughts on fake nails? 

And last but not least just some swatches of the 3 Maybelinne lipsticks I picked up at the carboot for 50p each. The two in the pink cases are from the watershine collection and they are just perfect everyday wear lipsticks.

Phew, so I think I've wrote so much in this post that even I am sick fed up of reading this. But if you have managed to get all the way down to the end then thanks for reading. speak to you guys soon xxx 


Eloise said...

Thanks for your comment, I'm glad my mumblings have made someone laugh! Even if you can't actually hear said mumblings. I know what you mean about the trains, im about a 40 minute train ride from london and the only way to get it on the cheap is if you book months in advance, rubbish xx

Maddie said...

the south is so much more expensive than even the midlands ! But the weather is gorgeous and local produce is usually better :)

Northern men are a lot more charming though

& I think London's deffo a weekend trip for your first visit-camden market, brick lane, tourist spots and the V&A

Hannah said...

I love that UO top, I always look at it wen I go into one of their shops and it looks so amazing with that awesome pink bag and shoes!!!

Bow Dream Nation xx